Firefly Application

UX Researcher /
UI Designer

The goal of the project is to create a mobile app that allows users to easily request delivery of various items to any location in the city. Additionally, the app enables individuals to act as carriers, allowing them to earn money by delivering packages while traveling to their desired destination. The ultimate objective is to provide convenience for both the sender and the deliverer.

Firefly Application

UX Researcher /
UI Designer

The goal of the project is to create a mobile app that allows users to easily request delivery of various items to any location in the city. Additionally, the app enables individuals to act as carriers, allowing them to earn money by delivering packages while traveling to their desired destination. The ultimate objective is to provide convenience for both the sender and the deliverer.

Firefly Application

UX Researcher /
UI Designer

The goal of the project is to create a mobile app that allows users to easily request delivery of various items to any location in the city. Additionally, the app enables individuals to act as carriers, allowing them to earn money by delivering packages while traveling to their desired destination. The ultimate objective is to provide convenience for both the sender and the deliverer.


The reason for using design thinking in a project is that it helps to approach problem-solving in a more user-centered manner. By keeping the end user in mind throughout the design process, I am better able to understand their needs and create a solution that effectively addresses them. Additionally, the iterative nature of design thinking allows me to test and refine my ideas in a flexible and efficient manner. This ultimately leads to a more effective and successful outcome for the project.

User Interviews

In this phase of the project, 6 One on One interviews were conducted to collect data from the users to understand their perspective and also gain useful insights for the topic at hand.

Affinity Mapping

During this stage of the procedure, first the sticky notes were created from the insights of the interviews and then sorting them into appropriate categories.

Thematic Analysis

The categories created in the Affinity Mapping phase are further grouped to create larger themes which help in examine the facts from a broader perspective.

User Personas

During this stage of the process, two personas are created by amalgamating the data gathered from the research phases and by empathising with these personas we basically cater to a wider audience as they are representation of the key users of the application.

Empathy Maps

This process helps us collaboratively visualise and to express what we know about a certain sort of user.

Story Boards

As a part of this step visuals are shown in a series of panels that chronologically map the story's major events. This helps to convey the story.

Customer Journey Map

In this stage The Customer Journey map was created which consists of a timeline filled with user’s thoughts and emotions so that a narrative is formed. The narrative is then fine-tuned leading to a visualization

PoV Statements

After visualising the journey map the PoV statements are written for the two personas in order to summarise who a particular user is, what are the needs of the user and why the need is so important to the user

How Might We

As a part of this step visuals are shown in a series of panels that chronologically map the story's major events. This helps to convey the story.

Impact Diagram

This step was conducted to analyse which features decided from the HOW MIGHT WE will be more inclined to the customer's needs and requirements.

Crazy 8 Ideation

Crazy 8 ideation technique was conducted to quickly come up with different ways a screen could be designed.

NUF Test

The NUF Test was conducted to check which of the features ideated would be considered new useful and usable.

Design Principles

In this ideation technique, different design principles were considered but then only 4 design principles were narrowed down as per what the application is trying to achieve.

Competitor Analysis

In this phase different competitors were studied to check various factors like what are the best capabilities, what makes them unique and other factors as shown below.

Lo-Fi Prototype

As a part of this step where I had to creative and build a tactile representation of the different ideas which were brainstormed in the ideate phase. the steps followed in this phase have been mentioned below.

Exploratory Feedback

After the Paper Prototype was linked with the Marvel app, the app was tested to check few factors like the flow of the application, to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the application and get feedback so that we can implement the changes in the wireframing stage. The feedback received is mentioned below


Feedback on the screens

- The screen looks a bit blur because there seems to be a glare of some sorts.

- The back button on few screens were not functional.

- Type of item -> Make the buttons smaller and easier to select.


Overall Application Feedback

- Message is very clear.

- The app flow is good.

- The app is not making me think a lot.


Mid-Fi Protorype

This is the phase where the inputs from the exploratory feedback were considered to create the mid-fi wireframes which helps arrive at a better visualisation of the application.


Wireflows are a type of design specification that blends wireframe-style page layouts with a simplified flowchart-like representation of interactions.


In this step of the process, digital photos were organised other design components into a structure that reflects the aesthetic of the final product. The colours picked from the Moodboard are also verified as colour blind friendly.

Style Guide

Specific implementation instructions, visual references, and design principles are specified in this phase of the process to aid with the creation of interfaces or other design deliverables.

LOGO Iteration and finalization

This phase was where different Logo's were designed to best fit the idea and values of the application.

The Final logo is shown below, this iteration of the logo was picked as the final logo as it includes the illustration of a firefly and a plane which represents convenience and agility which is what the application is aiming to offer to the users.

Hi-Fi Prototype

In this step of the process the high-fidelity designs were created using the styleguide and referencing the feedback from the mid-fi prototypes.

5 Act Interview

The application was tested with a few participants to understand if the application is working as intended and to check if the design is meeting the users’ needs and goals. The 5 Act Interview method was used to test the participants, 3 participants were recruited for the testing and the key insights and issues faced by the participants are mentioned below


Key Insights and Issues faced by the participants

  i.         The email and password text fields are not working on the login screen.

         ii.        Total amount is missing in the send flow.

         iii.       Drop down for estimated weight of the item and value of the item.

         iv.       Save card for future.

         v.        Drop shadow is bit dark.

         vi.       User confused with the hamburger icon. (Implemented)

The application was tested with a few participants to understand if the application is working as intended and to check if the design is meeting the users’ needs and goals. The 5 Act Interview method was used to test the participants, 3 participants were recruited for the testing and the key insights and issues faced by the participants are mentioned below


Key Insights and Issues faced by the participants

i. The email and password text fields are not working on the login screen.

ii.Total amount is missing in the send flow. (Implemented)

iii. Drop down for estimated weight of the item and value of the item.

iv. Save card for future.

v. Drop shadow is bit dark.

vi. User confused with the hamburger icon. (Implemented)

Hi-Fi Prototype Demo

The video below is the Video Demo for the application after implementing all the changes requested in the Testing Phase.