Enigma VR


UX Researcher /
UI Designer

The VR app trains new hires in automobile/manufacturing industries with hands-on learning for job skills efficiently and intuitively. It features an onboarding tutorial, VR shopfloor tour, and skill-based tutorials.

Enigma VR


UX Researcher /
UI Designer

The VR app trains new hires in automobile/manufacturing industries with hands-on learning for job skills efficiently and intuitively. It features an onboarding tutorial, VR shopfloor tour, and skill-based tutorials.

Enigma VR


UX Researcher /
UI Designer

The VR app trains new hires in automobile/manufacturing industries with hands-on learning for job skills efficiently and intuitively. It features an onboarding tutorial, VR shopfloor tour, and skill-based tutorials.


Lean UX Process

Three main concepts drives Lean UX: think, make, and check. While it's tempting to think of them as three steps in a straight line, nothing could be farther from the reality. Lean UX is a never-ending loop, with the product getting better and better each time the cycle is finished and restarted.


LEAN UX Canvas


The reason why assumptions are important in a LEAN UX cycle is because the emphasis is placed on developing a problem statement rather than depending on requirements and deliverables.

Primary Research (Survey)


·       Most of the participants in the survey were from the automobile and manufacturing industries.

·       Shadowing, Video tutorials and hands on training are the most used methods for training in the industries.

·       64% picked hands on training as the most effective method of training.

·       57% of the participants said that they forget where the tools are kept in the workshop even after training. And 35% said they do not remember at all.

·       64% said that initially it is somewhat difficult to navigate around the shop floor.

Proto Persona

A Proto Persona was created based on the problem being addressed to represent majority of the target audience of the application.

Empathy Map

An Empathy map was created based on the persona to highlight the pains and gains of the users from a persona’s standpoint.

Customer Journey Map

A customer journey map was created based on the story board. This helped to analyse what the problem faced by the user were and helped to view possible opportunities where the application under study can help solve the issues.

How Might We

In this step, based on the problems which were highlighted from the primary and secondary research, how might we statements were written, and a board was created where three main questions were asked under each HWMs

1.     How would you solve the HMW?

2.     What risks does the idea pose?

3.     How can you resolve the risk?

This ideation session is named HWM Round Robin where this board is passed around asking participants to answer the questions this helps in forming different ideas to solve the HWMs. The image of the board is shown below.

Bull's Eye Prioritization

After the features were proposed from the ideation session, they were prioritized to make sure the best features which could potentially prove the hypotheses were picked by doing the Bull’s eye prioritization activity. The image from the activity is shown below.

Mental Models

In this step card sorting was conducted with 10 participants using the website optimal workshop. This activity helped gain major insights into the user’s mental model which further aided to form the Placement matrix and the information architecture of the application


Technical Architecture

Lo-Fi Prototype

Lo-fi paper prototype was created to visually analyze prioritized features from ideation, using mental model from card sorting to align with user expectations for later mid-fi and hi-fi steps.

Mid-Fi Prototype

In this step of the mid-fi prototype was designed based on the initial lo-fi paper prototypes. This refined the wireframe which helped design a more robust application.


In this step the Wireflow was designed which would act as the information architecture this is so that the flow of the application is decided prior to designing the hi-fi prototype. The Wireflow designed is shown in the image below.


Hi-Fi Prototype

Based on the wireframe created and the colour scheme which was derived from the Moodboard were brought together to form the Hi-Fi prototype. The application was designed using the Adobe XD tool.


Feedback System

Evaluate hypotheses for success or failure to determine priorities. This enables focusing on areas that need improvement and addressing failed hypotheses in the next iteration.

FInal UI Video Demo